ITDESK SOLUTIONS LLP (ISL) is a young energetic provider of business solutions servicing markets in Mumbai, Since 1996, backed by team of people with background of Information Technology, Functional, Managerial, Marketing and Creative Experience from different industries which understands your needs and requirements in a better way. Ideal for small to mid-sized businesses seeking to maximize productivity and increase access to critical information, ITDESK SOLUTIONS LLP (ISL) offers an award-winning suite of products that unify the people, business processes, and knowledge that matter most to organizations. By integrating enterprise resource planning (ERP) with customer relationship management (CRM), electronic workflow management, project management, business activity monitoring, and business intelligence, ITDESK SOLUTIONS LLP (ISL) solutions increase visibility and control across the enterprise and empower businesses to improve interdepartmental cooperation, tighten chain relationships, and ultimately grow more profitable.
We provide dynamic website on Wordpress, Drupal & Joomla
Most advance portal with Android & ios Application
It is our most fastest, compact with richest features.rnFree ServerrnFree SupportrnFree SoftwarernJust pay maintenancernParents & Students ApprnOnline Admission of StudentsrnFees ManagementrnExam ManagementrnOnline AssignmentrnSchool Bus ManagementrnHostel ManagementrnLibrary ManagementrnTeachers managementrnClass TimetablernTeachers Timetablernrn
Corporate TrainingrnIndividual TrainingrnTraining with CertificaternTraining Without CertificaternSeminar on Cyber Security
We provide CRM Premium Version like SalesForce & ZohornOpen Source CRM like vTiger, SugarCRM, etc.
We provide many open source e-Commerce & Multi Vendor e-Commerce
We provide cyber security awareness program for layman
We provide training at corporate level to non IT staff
We provide cyber security training program for professionals who is having IT background either from software field, netwrok field or hardware field.
Designed & Developed by ITDESK SOLUTIONS LLP